
BUNKER BG works only with partners with many years of experience. Some Western bunker construction companies are trying to cover design, construction and installation without the use of subcontractors. Our team considers this approach wrong. If you do not use specialists who are strictly profiled in only one area, many mistakes could be made. This is unacceptable when we talk about bunker construction, because any installation must work flawlessly.  That is why we at BUNKER BG work with colleagues from Switzerland in addition to our team of specialists. We import some of the systems and devices from Sweden, Switzerland and Israel. For the rest of the equipment we have partners in Bulgaria who are professionals in their field and have many completed projects in their background.



The company was established in 1947 and since then has been a leading Swiss company in the construction and renovation of underground shelters. LUNOR holds many licenses and patents, including its air purification systems are licensed to the Swiss Federal Office for Civil Protection. Its customers include the Federal Government, municipalities, civil protection services, commercial and private homeowners.

Radiation protection

Radiation protection

Our radiation protection partner:

  • Maintains the radiation control equipment of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna, as well as of the IAEA research laboratory in Cybersdorf, Austria;
  • Maintenance of installations at KOZLODUY NPP, Customs Agency, Border Police, Lukoil Neftochim Burgas, SE RAW, as well as many other state and private institutions;
  • In the past 11 years it has been maintaining radiation control equipment installed at border checkpoints in Bulgaria under the Program for Detection and Prevention of Illegal Trafficking in Nuclear Materials of the US Department of Energy. The program operates in over 65 countries worldwide;
  • In the last 5 years it has been the Regional Equipment Maintenance Company, installed under the Equipment Program for the countries of the EU, Europe, Asia and North Africa;
  • For 26 years they have completed thousands of projects for delivery, installation, commissioning and service maintenance of equipment for radiation and dosimetric control, for many local and foreign customers.
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning

Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning

We work with a Swiss manufacturer of air treatment plants, licensed by the Swiss Civil Defense Organization. Ventilation systems are military developments authorized by the Swiss Federal Civil Protection Service and have valid BZS approval. The ventilation project is performed according to the manufacturer's requirements.  Our partner has executed and maintains the following projects:: 

  • Sofia Airport Center;
  • MTG-plant OSAM - Lovech;
  • ETEM Bulgaria;
  • Gebrüder Weiss;
  • VIK Sofia;
  • BC Gorna Banya;
  • Many others...


In order to ensure an autonomous power supply, we work in close partnership with an experienced company. Their projects and implemented capacities are: 

  • Public bunker - 500 kVA;
  • Pirogov University Hospital - 400 kVA;
  • Lozenets University Hospital - 1000 kVA;
  • Sopharma AD - 330 kVA;
  • Sofia Airport - 203 kVA;
  • Sofia South RING MALL - 4970 kVA;
  • UniCredit Bulbank - 690 kVA;
  • Globul - 440 kVA;
  • Business center "Kambanite" - over 1000 kVA;
  • TECHNOMARKET - 2274 kVA;
  • BAUMAX - 315 kVA;
  • BILLA Bulgaria - 1549 kVA;
  • D. Madjarov EOOD - 660 kVA;
  • Coca Cola - 248 kVA;
  • Bulgarian Chamber of Mining and Geology - 330 kVA;
  • NSSI - 101 kVA;
  • General Directorate "Border Police" Ministry of Interior - 303 kVA;
  • Kulata border checkpoint - 45 kVA;
  • Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Bulgaria - 550 kVA;
  • Many others...


Implemented water treatment projects:

  • LUKOIL Neftochim Burgas AD - Design, delivery and commissioning of process control measuring equipment at TPP;
  • MONBAT AD - Delivery and commissioning of process measuring probes and secondary devices for measuring pH and temperature in process wastewater to the WWTP;
  • ELHIM ISKRA AD - Delivery and commissioning of measuring instruments for measuring pH and temperature in process wastewater to WWTP;
  • EMCO AD - Delivery and commissioning of process measuring probes and secondary devices for measuring pH and temperature of technological and wastewater from galvanic baths to WWTPs;
  • HEATING Vratsa EAD - Delivery and commissioning of measuring instruments;
  • Biovet AD, Peshtera - Delivery and commissioning of measuring instruments at the WWTP;
  • CENTROMET AD, Vratsa - Design, delivery and commissioning of a cooling water treatment system;
  • Rodopchanka Ltd. - Design, delivery and commissioning of UF wastewater treatment system at WWTP;
  • Water supply and Sewerage - Sliven Ltd. - Design, supply and commissioning of control measuring equipment for measuring turbidity in drinking water;
  • Water and Sewerage - Bebresh EOOD - Botevgrad - Design, delivery and commissioning of process control measuring equipment for WWTP;
  • Regional landfill for household waste - Vidin - Design, delivery and commissioning of laboratory complex control and measuring equipment for WWTP;
  • Regional landfill for non-hazardous waste - Gabrovo - Design, supply and commissioning of laboratory complex control and measuring equipment for WWTP.


Based on a project of the BUNKER BG team, specialists from Sweden have developed a safe door that meets all the requirements for security and radiation protection. Except for a vault door, we can also install a Strong Room where you store your assets. Our partner has been on the market for 45 years and is a specialist in the design and construction of safe doors and safe rooms. Their clients are:

  • European Central Bank;
  • National Bank of Sweden;
  • National Bank of Finland;
  • National Bank of England.
  • Completed more than 2000 sites of banks and customers prohibiting the export of information in Norway, Denmark, Germany, Scotland, the Czech Republic and Greece.

We also offer standard solutions for bunker doors from Switzerland. Our technicians and physicists carefully calculated each weak link in the system and took steps to eliminate it. In addition to the bunker entry and exit points, we will secure the entire perimeter using experienced trusted technicians.