We offer individual top-quality products to equip your room!
Create security for you and your family. Call us and order!
We sell an existing bunker near Sofia
You can have a bunker under the yard of your house with a direct connection between them. Call us!
OKOL Lake Park - the first complex in Bulgaria of the Golf & Residential Community type, in which you can build a private bunker
The bunkers are equipped with all the necessary installations to ensure life for a long period of time.
BUNKER BG is the first company in Bulgaria specialised in design and construction of undergroung bunkers and home protection.
You can have a bunker under the yard of your house or at a place specified by you. The bunker will be hidden under a green landscape.
When a new house is building we will build the bunker in its foundations.
Our bunkers meet all safety requirements and are equipped with everything you need to protect yourself and your family in times of danger. We have a team of specialists and we work closely with several international companies from Switzerland and Israel with years of experience in bunkers construction.
Our mission is to create security and protection for you and your family. We prepare individual projects that meet all the requirements for safe survival and provide amenities to make you feel like in a second home. We believe that feeling that your life is secured comes first, so we when it comes to quality, we do not compromise.
We aim to ensure that more people feel their lives are secured. In these constantly changing times, in order to live normally, one must be prepared for everything.
Designing and building a private bunker is a huge responsibility. It is about preserving human life. We work with foreign companies with a background in life support systems with successful counteraction against chemical, biological and nuclear attacks. Our team consists of physicists, engineers, constructors, technicians and many others who take care of the accurate calculations. The information about the customer and the location of each bunker is confidential.
The basic bunker provides complete protection from harmful emissions, riots and military actions.
Large bunker, suitable for closed-type residential complexes.
Basic with optimal price-distribution indicators.
Protect your Home, Be Prepared!
The panic room is a bunker in your home!
Home protection with high security doors!
The premises in the bunker are spacious and comfortable, and the furniture creates all the necessary amenities.
We improved the Smart Home system by optimizing it in Smart Bunker to automatically manage all systems.
We create an individual design for each client. The concrete we use is calculated to stop all types of radiation.
Leave your contact details and we will reach you
Instant room protection !
Official representative for Bulgaria
Let go of your illusions so you can survive!